6 steps to find the right
WFM vendor for your
growing organization
If you’ve been relying on spreadsheets and manual scheduling to do your workforce planning, chances are good your process could use Workforce Management (WFM) software.
Does this sound familiar?
You’re spending too much time wrangling cells, manually entering schedules each week and handling time off requests, last minute changes, and more
Your spreadsheet can’t do everything you need it to—it doesn’t allow you insight into real-time productivity among your team or help you figure out the most efficient staffing plan based on customer contact volume
Your process relies a little on data and lot on your intuition, resulting in staffing plans which are often an educated guess, at best
Below, we’ve put together the go-to guide for how to evaluate and choose a WFM software vendor. First, we explain the main benefits of WFM platforms, then dive into the 6-step process you can use to evaluate and implement the solution of your dreams.